All of a sudden.
She's so big.
As in age. Not in size.
All of a sudden.
She dares to sleep away from home.
Not so far away though.
Grandma's house.
But still.
I have to admit that mommy was a little nervous.
Really didn't want to get up in the middle of the night with the other one and bring her home.
Still at home she said she wanted to sleep with mom and dad.
But once there.
At grandma's.
Realizing the amounts of toys and joys ahead.
She wanted to stay.
Not a doubt in her mind.
Nervously mommy waited.
Grandma called.
She was asleep.
And she kept sleeping all night long.
Daddy came to pick her up the next day.
Turns out she didn't want to come home.
So she stayed another night.
She didn't want to go home the day after that either.
But we forced her.
Guess she didn't miss us at all.
Because at grandma's you can do almost whatever you want.
All day long.
Grandma brings new toys.
And plays all the games you want.
Grandma has icecream for breakfast.
Who can compete with that.
Åååhhh... flytta hemifrån? Redan?
SvaraRaderabitterljuvt... är i såna stunder jag ångrar att jag inte började med barn tidigare.