He gaves this up.
Pureed foods can be eaten with little hands.
But mom and dad help with what doesn't make it to the mouth.
Guess he figured since he'd gotten a tooth he might as well start chewing.
You're old enough to say mamamama.
Then he figured.
Hey, I can talk, I can eat by myself, why don't I start exploring the world.
From crawling slowly to crawling fast.
From crawling far to crawling high.
He actually made it all the way up the stairs.
Good thing we don't have stairs at home.
What happened.
Didn't he just come out.
Of the womb.
It's only been 7 months.
So much has happened in a couple of weeks.
He's learning things every day.
Huge things.
Lifechanging things.
What has mommy learned lately.
To say monkeywrench in finnish.
He copies Veras every move.
Gets up on his knees and looks at what she's doing.
If she dances or jumps.
He starts doing the same.
In his own special way.
He's like a minichild.
When he's done eating and is down on the floor, he crawls in to their room and starts playing.
By himself.
Kind of like a teenager.
Only comes out to eat.
But some of the scills he believes himself to have.
He doesn't quite manage.
He thinks he can stand up.
It happens that he falls down.
A lot.
But dad says that life serves a risktaker.
Ååååhhh! Jag älskar det, honom, allt! Varför får jag alltid tårar i ögonen? Är det för att du beskriver det på ett så - letar efter ord - övervinnande? sätt? Hur barnen vill och vill och lyckas ibland och ibland inte. Saknar er:) Kram
SvaraRaderaOch så fick jag ordverifiering Dalin (som i darling) som nån hint:)
SvaraRaderaoh, karen. i cannot believe. it is like i don't even recognize him. he is a mini-giant babe, one-toothed, mama-talking wonder...